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Asian Transmasc Monthly Meet

This is a monthly group for East & Southeast Asian transmasculine and non-binary people. This includes all transmasculine-identifying folks or folks who may be questioning. We welcome people at any point of their transition. This monthly group is a safe space of support where we can share and learn from each other’s common experiences as Asian transmasc folks. Date: Tuesday, Sept 7 Time: 7pm – 8:30pm EST Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkd-uuqzItG9R5YgaEBepUoXzsMTRh4GlO If you are part of the Asian trans masc Facebook group or email newsletter, you will automatically receive the Zoom link there. Intersecting Tradition & Minority: In this workshop Tyler J Sloane takes participants through an exercise that examines the fundamental naming of both sexual, romantic, and gender identity using the 'Galaxy' format – including two-spirit identity as it exists in Canada. From there they will launch from, with participants, to unpack 2SLGBTQIA+ identity as the western world knows it, and how it intersects with Pan-Asian culture and the role of the Model Minority to further be used as a tool of oppression in being our authentic true selves. We will use mindfulness and writing prompts to identify how gender and sexuality has been built within our identity, and where we reside in those identities. Who can join? ACAS primarily serves those who identify as East and/or Southeast Asian living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. However, we know spaces for East & Southeast Asian transmasc folks are very few and we are happy to open this event to those living outside of Toronto. Please note that resources will be focused on Toronto due to our knowledge of local services and resources. East & Southeast Asian includes those from multiple generations of immigrants (1st generation, 2nd generation, and so on..) and members of the diaspora from East & Southeast countries like China, Hong [...]