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A Sexplanation Q&A with Filmmakers

Joining us internationally from the west coast USA, the Director Alex Liu and Writer/Producer Leo Neri reveal all from their film, A Sexplanation in our live Q&A event. We’ll be talking about everything from sex to shame and mental health to filmmaking. Q&A Hosted by Tony Tran Got questions for the filmmakers? Send them in advance to men@acas.org Register to receive the Zoom link at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0oc-6vrzktG9CA7qZXZOWkYo03EV-oIxKk This event will be live-streamed on the ACAS Youtube channel. If you are not comfortable being recorded, you can turn off your camera and change your name so that you do not appear in the recording.  The first 10 people to sign up here will get a FREE ticket to the virtual screening at Inside Out LGBT Film Festival. From neuroscience labs to church pews, A Sexplanation features provocative conversations with psychologists, sex researchers—and even a Jesuit priest. Now in his 30s and out of the closet, Alex has turned fear and loathing into something positive and humorous. This documentary seeks to turn his personal pursuit of shame-free pleasure into a call for comprehensive sex education for everyone. Watch the film first at the Inside Out LGBT Film Festival! Available to watch from your home between May 27 (noon ET) - June 6 (11:59pm ET) https://youtu.be/G8Oor-B5hm8 ALEX LIU Alex’s passion for telling compelling stories that blend education, advocacy, and entertainment led him to found Herra Productions in 2012. Since then, he’s developed two award-winning YouTube channels focused on sex and drug education, totaling over five million views. After studying molecular toxicology at UC Berkeley and Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting at New York University, he produced video, radio, and print content for NOVA scienceNOW, CNN Health, and San Francisco NPR station KQED. LEONARDO NERI​ Leo is a tinkerer of ideas, words, and narratives. [...]