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Series of Love

This is a workshop series focused on gay Asian relationships for gay, bi, queer Asian men who have sex with men. In this game show style workshop we invite gay Asian men with their partners to partake in a mini game show (think Match game or Newlyweds game show from the 70s) and then followed by a Q&A (question and answer) on their relationship. How do they make it work? What challenges have they overcome? Today's workshop will be focused on gay Asian men in relationships with Caucasian guys. We invited Instagram couple David and Huey! To be part of the audience and Q&A, please register to receive the Zoom link at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItf-uuqD0oGdVSFUbRi_FE6FY1V3jO0MeC Feb 4, 7pm EST: Asian + Caucasian relationships Feb 11, 7pm EST: Self-love (Finding your independence) Feb 18, 7pm EST: Asian + POC (People of Colour) relationships