Queer Summer Screening: Supporting Our Selves
July 21, 2023 / 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
If you cannot make it but have signed up please let us know so we can work through the waitlist.
Friday July 21st, 7:30PM
at Tâm Restaurant (369 Keele St. Toronto, Ontario M6P 2K6)
Free, no cover fee
Food provided by Tâm Restaurant
This is a combined event between AQUA, ACAS, and queer Asian community members that includes queer Asian folks across all genders anywhere along the 2SLGBTQQII+ spectrum and Asian being anyone from Asia, including East, SouthEast, South, SouthWest, West, North and Mixed Asian.
🎥 We would like to invite everyone to join in a screening of Supporting Our Selves (SOS), a documentary film that explores how and why the queer community in Toronto, Canada has grown and evolved over the past 40 years, through the lens of one grassroots organization and its impact. From the Bathhouse Raids to BLM’s Pride Parade Protest, activists of all generations lead an honest and unflinching narrative journey that charts a community’s complex and sometimes conflicting memories.