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We need your help to add your piece to the Pride Dragon!! How would you express your queerness in a dragon? We will be showcasing it for all to see in the pride parade. Show up to help anytime between 5pm – 8pm, add as much or as little as you’d like!

A queer Asian artist team is building a community Pride dragon for the Pride Parade. This project is an exploration asking ourselves: What does it look like to queer our cultures? How do we combine elements of both Asian and queer culture to represent our identities and to co-exist in harmony?

Date: Saturday, June 11
Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: 260 Spadina Ave, Unit 410

This project is funded through the #RisingYouth grants by TakingITGlobal, The Government of Canada, and Canada Service Corp

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