Midnight Lotus: Virtual Party
November 6, 2020 / 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Dear Fellow Gay Asians 40+ members:
Please join our virtual Party on Zoom!
We would like to invite all of you and your partners to join us on a virtual reunion social networking session on Friday November 6, from 6-7:30 p.m. Let us connect, catch up with each other, and share about the movies and books that give us pleasure during this pandemic.
Please contact Ryan at men@acas.org for the Zoom link or if you have any questions. Looking forward to meeting you all!
>> Put your name onto the zoom log-in box to ensure speedy admission into the meeting.
Midnight Lotus (formerly know as Gay Asians 40+) is organized by former members of Gay Asians Toronto (GAT) and sponsored by Asians Community AIDS Services (ACAS). Through regular social events and educational activities, our group aims to provide a forum and community support to gay Asians who are 40 plus.