Men’s Games Night
November 13, 2020 / 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Your Friday nights at home just got a little better! Looking to meet new friends during the pandemic?
This is a monthly online games night for Asian gay, bi, queer, cis and trans guys.
We’ll start with introductions and then play a fun game called Codenames. Working in teams, Codenames is a co-operative game where teammates must decide together to choose the correct code words with the help of a 1-word clue given by the team leader (a.k.a. “Spymaster”).
Feel free to drop in and out between 8pm – 9:30pm EDT
Email Ryan at men@acas.org for the Zoom link.
How to play (https://gamerules.com/rules/codenames/)
The objective of codenames is to correctly guess all of your teams’ code words on the board before the other team does and without guessing the “assassin” card (or “bomb” card). This is possible because your Spymaster will give you a one-word clue and a number. Using this information and similar clues throughout the game your team will try to interpret the spymaster’s clue and guess each code word.