Men’s Games Night
October 9, 2020 / 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Your Friday nights at home just got a little better! Looking to meet new friends during the pandemic?
This is a monthly online games night for Asian gay, bi, queer, cis and trans guys.
We’ll start with introductions and then play a fun game called Among Us. You will need to download the free game app on your phone at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Download ahead of time so you can be ready to join in.
Feel free to drop in and out between 8pm – 9:30pm EDT
Email Ryan at for the Zoom link.
How to play Among Us
Among Us is a cooperative game where Crewmates can win by completing all tasks or discovering and voting the Impostor off the ship. The Impostor tries to secretly sabotage the ship and kill its crewmates one by one. The Imposter can use sabotage to cause chaos, making for easier kills and better alibis. Every time a dead crewmate is reported, the crewmates have the opportunity to discuss and vote who they believe the imposter is. If they vote correctly, the crewmates win! Crewmates can also declare an emergency meeting in order to discuss and vote.