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BIPOC Harm Reduction Program is hosting its first joint drop-in event.

Our culturally relevant health and wellness fair offer exhibits and experts covering areas such as health, wellness, nutrition, fitness, harm reduction, sample giveaways, prizes, screening & testing, and other community services.

Register at the link below:

March 10, 4-9PM
20 Victoria St, 4th Floor

日期時間:三月十日 星期五 下午4-9點
地址:20 Victoria Street, 4th Floor, Toronto

– 性健康測試
– 糖尿病最佳管理方案
– 減低傷害
– 成癮服務
– 支援服務轉介
– 前列腺保健
– 跨性別資訊
– 健體資訊

歡迎大家一起了解更多由各機構提供的性健康、減害、跨性別,及健康保健資訊。無憂診所、MedsExpert、Pride Toronto,和The Walnut Foundation 男士健康支援服務也會出席健康博覽會。會上除了會有抽獎活動,由各機構派發的產品包,茶點小食、還有DJ打碟!請掃描海報上的二維碼或點擊以下連結登記:https://blackcapto.formstack.com/forms/bipochealthfair


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