ACAS World AIDS Day Event
December 3, 2020 / 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Dear Clients, Community Members, Allies and Supporters,
We hope you are doing well and are safe. We would like to cordially invite you to this year’s World AIDS Day (WAD) event 2020, happening on December 3 rd , 2020, through the Zoom platform. As a part of the celebration, we have created a series of podcasts called “Love Fierce Positive Asians.” The podcast series is a continuation of the successful first series from last year’s WAD 2019. The series will discuss the experiences and intersectionality of Asian PHAs, gender identities, navigating life with a caregiver, fatherhood, and being a refugee. During this evening, we will get a taste of all six podcasts over this memorable and celebratory day.
We also start with a big bang by launching a series of ACAS community forums. ACAS SEED25+ is our first online community forums focusing on HIV+ pioneers and AIDS activists who planted seeds at ACAS and helped us grow for more than 25 years. We will have a panel discussion with four community members, which will talk about various topics such as discrimination during COVID19, caregiving, the future of HIV from the PHA’s perspective and the HIV community movement. This evening’s discussion will be one of many planned community forums for ACAS SEED25+. The event is generously sponsored by Gilead Sciences Canada Inc.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you at our Zoom gathering. Please RSVP using this link: https://forms.gle/mZrGPBP9TpFuVgcY7 or email to Alex Ma support@acas.org no later than December 1st, 2020, to reserve a spot for this intimate and important moment. Once you have registered with Alex, he will send you the Zoom link.
Kenneth Poon, Health Promotion Coordinator
Robinson Truong, Board Director