AQUA is having a town hall! Organized for and by queer asian femmes and gender diverse folks. Queer meaning those identifying LGBTQ2SI+, Asian meaning those identifying as people from Asia (including South Asian, Southeast Asian), and Femme broadly meaning trans and cis women and ***gender diverse meaning broadly gender diverse! *** "WE ARE CHANGING! ✨✨✨✨✨ ✨✨ WILL WE EXIST IN THE FUTURE? Hi everyone! We are holding a town hall on to help us figure out what the future holds for AQUA. Will we continue to exist? Come dream, create and decide the fate of AQUA with us 😊. We encourage everyone to come regardless with how familiar they are with AQUA. The future of AQUA is in y(our) hands ♥️ Help us with numbers by rsvp: COST: FREE We will be providing some of our favourite snacks and we'd like to encourage everyone to bring a little snack they enjoy as well! * * * event banner created by the lovely @veronicameowmeow"