#RisingYouth Workshop
September 16, 2021 / 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
This workshop is for Asian queer & trans folks under age 30.
Are you not sure where to start or do you have an idea but need support turning it into a project?
Join ACAS and TakingITGlobal (TIG) for an ideation session where we will brainstorm ideas based on your interests and passions that could potentially become #RisingYouth community service projects! We’ll also have a grant writing session to help you turn your ideas and passions into actionable #RisingYouth projects! This session will get you one step closer to getting the resources you need to implement projects in your community.
$15 food vouchers for all attendees under age 30
Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYofuCrpzMpGddpzhxqk0z7GAwP-64cTVTV
#RisingYouth Community Service Grants empowers young people, ages 15-30 to imagine ideas that can support their local community and helps put those ideas into action through grants of $250, $750, or $1500. If you have an idea to support your community, #RisingYouth can help you bring it to life. To learn more about us and to apply for a grant, visit our website at https://acas.risingyouth.ca/