ACAS Reopening Protocols
Dear ACAS service users, volunteers and allies, It has been 6 months since we closed our office to the public and quickly modified our services to respond to our service users’ needs. I would like to inform you that on Tuesday, September 8th, we will be opening our office to the public again with new normal safety features, and in-person modified services. In-person services will be provided by appointment only. We ask you to Make an appointment with staff by phone, email, or text at least 24 hours in advance. Staff will confirm your appointment and remind you to answer COVID-19 pre-screening questions. Answer COVID-19 screening questions before coming to the ACAS office If you have one or more symptoms or do not feel well, do not come to the ACAS office. Self-isolate and consider getting a COVID-19 test or seek medical help. You can reschedule an in-person appointment or use our service by phone, or a virtual meeting. On your appointment day, come to ACAS office on time or 5 minutes before your appointment with no accompanied person. Sanitize your hands with a hand sanitizer or wash hands with soap in the nearest washroom. Wear a mask and practice a 2-meter social distancing at all times in the office. We will provide a mask if you forgot to bring it. Practice social distancing when using a public washroom and elevator in the building To make it safer for you to interact with staff, we have done the following: installed plexi-glass barriers and purchased portable ones, enhanced our cleaning protocols on high-touch surfaces, used floor marking signs for social distancing, rearranged furniture, and limit number of washroom users. Please note that we will continue delivering educational services and health promotion workshops virtually. The majority of staff still work remotely and [...]