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REGISTRATION is required at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SLAM-2019
Saturday March 30
11:00am – 5:00pm
Ryerson University, 250 Victoria St, Podium Building

The highly anticipated annual event for cis & trans gay, bi, queer Asian men! The SLAM! Forum (Sex Love Asian Men!) is a one-day interactive learning forum on sex, health, lifestyle and everything in between.

FREE with lunch provided. Invite a friend or two!

**Stay tuned in for more updates on session topics and social activities as we lead up to March 30!!

This year the theme DIS/CONNECT explores how we connect or don’t connect with the different parts of our identities. Being gay and Asian is complex with many layers that shape our experiences. Though we may all be Asian men who like men, there are many things that make our experiences different from each other: Where we were born, Where we grew up, What language we speak, What religion we follow, How connected we are to our culture, When we immigrated to Toronto, etc…

Last year, participants also wanted more time to socialize and get to know each other, so we’re integrating fun activities to really CONNECT and know each other more deeply.

For the SLAM Forum 2019, in multiple sessions throughout the day, we will share, learn, and connect together in our experiences.



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