Pinkdot Toronto 2019
May 11, 2019 / 11:00 am - 5:30 pm
Welcome to Pink Dot TO!
What exactly is Pink Dot? Is it what you cover up on your face with makeup? Is it what you try to clean out of your clothes after a highlighter explodes? Or is it those bits of strawberry in your ice cream? Actually, it’s a movement for equity for LGBTQIA+ folks that centers around Asian folks! It started in Singapore, then eventually spread around the world, and eventually to Toronto in 2014. We get to have our very own Pink Dot in T-Dot!
PinkDot TO is happening this May 11th from 3 pm to 6 pm at Cecil Community Centre (58 Cecil Street, Toronto, just south of College off Spadina Avenue). This 2019, we have designed the day to be an extra special indoor festival featuring fun family-friendly activities, spectacular performances from our LGBTQ+ members and Youth Talent Stage, an arts & crafts showcase, and an array of cool food vendors featuring popular Asian street food (snacks, desserts)! What’s more? A never-been-done fashion show segment is also scheduled from 730 pm to 930 pm.
Lot’s of door prizes to be won from our community partners!
Cutesy giveaways for all!
So friends, families, and allies, come support your community and let us celebrate PinkDot TO on May 11!
Best of all, it is FREE event and open to all!