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October 11, 2019 / 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
| FreeYou don’t want to miss this special
ACAS / Poz-TO MINGLE Event to support Asian Community AIDS Services at the #TOWaterfront42k Charity Challenge!

EVENT: ACAS / PozTO Mingle Dance SocialDATE/TIME: Friday, Oct 11, 7-10pm (National Coming Out Day)LOCATION: Buddies In Bad Times TheatreNO COVER (Suggested Donation $10)Come out to PozTO’s #Mingle, a sero-neutral space (whether you’re hiv-negative or hiv-positive) for all ages with host and 50/50 Raffle Goddess Jade Elektra, music by DJ Kainan (New Ho Queen) and special performance by VaChina Dynasty to raise funds for ACAS (Asian Community AIDS Services) #ACAS25 at #TorontoWaterfront42K Charity Challenge 2019!Bring your friends, loved ones and allies. Show your support to Toronto’s 2SLGBTIQ+ Community on this special day that we are strong! We promise you a great crowd and a fabulous time. You may even be the lucky winner of the 50/50 Raffle!For more information, please visit the Facebook Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/520963225409565/
Twitter Message:
Come out this Oct 11 #NationalComingOuDay at @buddiesTO to @pozplanet’s #Mingle, a HIV-neutral social w/ host & 50/50 Raffle Goddess @JadeElektra, music by DJ Kainan & performance by VaChina Dynasty to raise funds for @ACAStoronto #ACAS25 @#TorontoWaterfront42K Charity Challenge!