Men’s Humpday: Don’t Freak Out
September 29, 2021 / 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
The Humpday workshops are for gay, bisexual, queer Asian cis & trans guys to get together on the last Wednesday of every month.
Lack of testing during this year has made it harder to get tested regularly and may have given rise to more STIs. Do you have trouble telling your hook up that they might have gotten an STI from you? Or on the other side, how do you react when someone tells you they might have given you an STI?
In this workshop we discuss stigma around STIs and how that stigma can help STIs spread even more. We will also practice how to tell someone you have an STI and where you can go.
Don’t Freak Out (about STIs)
Date: Wednesday, September 29
Time: 7:00PM
Register on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtde-upjMrG9UKUjTNFn3zacBz17Xy1bCi
For more info email Ryan at men@acas.org