How to Use Discord Workshop
March 13, 2021 / 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Join us on March 13, 2pm – 3pm EST
We’ll meet on Zoom, then transfer to the Discord Server.
Please register for the Zoom link that will be sent closer to the event time.
Have you been feeling isolated this quarantine? We get it–times are hard right now.
Recently, ACAS started its own Discord server in hopes of connecting community members to each other! It’s exciting, but we understand that some people may find it complicated to access this digital space.
That’s why we’re hosting a “How to Use Discord” Workshop! If you’re looking for a space to chill with the ACAS community but don’t know how to use Discord, join us so we can create your account together, bring you into the space, and teach you some tips and tricks to interacting on this platform.
We hope to see you there!
This event is made possible thanks to the support of United Way GTA #LocalLove
Funded by the Government of Canada.