Clothing Swap Party
April 15, 2023 / 12:00 pm - April 16, 2023 / 5:00 pm
We are excited to host the 2-day Clothing Swap Party on the weekend of April 15 & 16! Hello #AsianLGBTQ+ folks in Toronto area, this is your sign to start #SpringCleaning your closet👚
All you need to do to be ready for spring is;
🌸Gather the gently used items you’ve loved but no longer wanted.
🌸Remember to machine-wash before bringing it in. Be thoughtful for the next person❤️
🌸Donate them at the ACAS office then go “shopping” for free!
Do you only want to clean the closet? You are more than welcome to just drop the items and leave:) Prepare your wardrobe for spring💐🌈 Note: This is a charitable event. We will use the leftover from this event for fundraising.
For any inquiries, contact us at support@acas.org (Sugar) or youth@acas.org (Dany Ko).