ACAS SEED25+ Community Forum
March 31, 2022 / 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Topic: Perspectives & Resilience of PLHIV Who Use Drugs (PLHIV/PWUD)
Our Drug experts: Colin Johnson, Richard Dalton, and Christian Hui.
The panelists will carry a constructive and meaningful interactive conversation on the intersectional needs of PHAs who use drugs. The panelists will share their perspectives on the critical role as a peer drug expert, exploring and sharing their view on how mainstream and intercultural harm reduction practices differ, and how mainstream and ethnocultural AIDS service organizations can better support PLHIVs who use drugs. Our panelists’ wide range of perspectives and lived experiences assure this interactive forum will share knowledge and generate a healthy conversation for PLHIV who use drugs. In addition, guests will have an opportunity to ask questions to the panelists.
Please join us for this meaningful engagement by registering with Alex Ma support@acas.org no later than Monday, March 28, 2022. You can also register using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtceisrDItHtF-Qym6GgchNKZcWVJNDoPK
Once registered, a link will be forwarded to you. On behalf of ACAS and ViiV Health Care. We look forward to connecting with you at the Zoom gathering.