Since 2017, funding for our Volunteer Program has ceased, but ACAS continues to run the program. Volunteers play an integral role in our organization. At the same time, their volunteer placement fulfills their purpose and needs. It may be acquiring hours for school or work or gaining a new life or employability skills. In addition, ACAS provides a nurturing, fun, and safe space to all our volunteers and service users.
Supporting the general fundraiser will help ACAS continue to run the program even without significant funding; it will help us maintain the core training workshops for new volunteers, provide other empowering and skill-building workshops, and host a volunteer appreciation night twice a year.
QTAY/Youth + Please Help Revive Women’s Programming
It was in 2015 when our Youth Program faced a significant funding cut, followed by the Women’s Program. Since then, ACAS has been working diligently to help secure funding for our Youth/QTAY Program and Women’s Program’s activities.
Supporting this fundraiser will help ACAS maintain vital program activities. And to continue hosting PillowTalk as an annual Women’s Program event.
Pinkdot TO
Pink Dot is a movement started in 2009 in support of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer (LGBTQ) community in Singapore. Attendees of the Pink Dot events gather to form a giant pink dot in a show of support for inclusiveness, diversity and the freedom to love. Pink Dot has inspired many worldwide to show their support and love for LGBTQ communities. International Pink Dot events have been held in Anchorage, Hong Kong, London, Montreal, New York, Oklahoma, Penang, and Kaoshiung, Utah. The first PinkDotTO , born in the format of an LGBTQ + Allies Chinatown Pride March, was held on May 24, 2014, in Toronto during Asian Heritage Month as a lead-up to the World Pride Human Rights Conference and World Pride 2014.
We at ACAS believe in promoting diversity and inclusion and empowering artists by providing them with the stage to showcase their talents. So, in 2019, we started hosting PinkdDotTO on a grander scale by hosting a talent night and arts & crafts showcase.
By supporting the PinkDotTO fundraiser, with your generous donation and the support of a major sponsor, ACAS will be able to host the event consistently each year.